Users can now view the product list overview upon opening the "Selling" and "Product" tab. It will show them the product name, stock status, supply cost, mark-up, and retail price.

Stock status refers to the stock of the supply items linked to a product. Status may change under the conditions below:

  • If a product's supply item stocks have not yet reached the par level or reorder point, the status will show in stock (green icon)
  • If a supply item’s stocks fall to its reorder quantity, the status will show as check status (yellow icon)
  • If the supply item of a product falls to its par level, the status will show as reorder stocks (red icon)

The supply cost of the product’s supply item may change when the supply item’s amount is changed or the supply item’s amount is zeroed from transactions.

Users may also filter out and search for certain products by searching the product name or SKU.