Guest Overview

Guest detail shows the guest’s check-in ID, status, and information. Guests that are returning to the venue will have multiple check-in IDs that the manager can select and view each check-in detail.

It will also show the total amount spent, the average order value and last product purchased and last location visited.

Another detail the managers will be able to see is the list of the guest’s recent transactions. Viewing all the transactions will redirect the user to the transaction list filtered and auto-updated for a specific guest.

Transactions list of guest

Under Paired Tag, user will be able to view the guest's credit balance, available vouchers, and tag information on when it was issued. User will be able to select which information to view depending on the tag selected when guest has multiple tags issued. 

After check-out, a guest's status will reflect the check-out status, date and time of check-out, and the staff who did the check-out.

Guest Profile

User will be able to view the details of the guest which includes the answer from the check-in registration on the app.